Spare the Air is an iconic San Francisco Bay Area program providing the public with resources to reduce pollution and publishing Spare the Air Alerts and Air Quality Advisories when air quality is unhealthy. In some cases, the alerts require adherence to the ‘no wood burning rule’; meaning the Air District’s role transitions from educator to regulation enforcer. lowercase productions, in partnership with Cylogy and Civic Edge Consulting, took on the challenge of balancing these two roles within a carefully messaged new agency website.
The new website’s most prominent feature is a universal panel that visitors can use as a contextual information tool. From providing the forecast and alert status that some visitors need on demand, to encouraging action and further engagement, the question of responding to the needs of all audience members was addressed in a novel, graphically interesting manner. The visual design makes ample use of people-oriented photography, clean and modernist typology, and a central interactive map that is rich in content and easy to understand and use.